



Over the last ten years there have been many major developments in the technology world that are driving the IT trends for 2013. The way technology interacts together is changing life with improvements at work, in the home and even in the car making everything easier and in many cases safer. The list of innovations in this article are probably the most important trends in IT currently but other technologies such as cloud computing are also complementing each one of these trends.
1) Tablet computing:
The tablet computer is becoming one of the most important devices at home and in the office. With powerful operating systems like Windows 8 and Android now available many companies are beginning to develop powerful tablets that will eventually replace the Laptop.

As the PC, Tablet and Smart Phone begin to merge into one device the market is positioning itself for a tablet that will do everything from playing games, stream media to manipulate worksheets and database. Hardware companies are casting off their shackles and adapting to this emerging market by producing powerful devices that are versatile, lightweight and small but pack the same power as a more powerful desktop PC.

2013 will be the year where the tablet becomes the one and only computer required.
2) Applications:
Apple changed the world when they introduced their application store; with millions of applications available they gave control of software choice to the user and removed the need for many people to conform and buy bulky software suites.
As the market matures and decent competition emerges the market is at a cross roads where open-source mentality is competing (and winning) against the more strictly controlled application stores. It's an exciting time for the consumer as software development is finally being led by demand rather than what the company believes the user needs.
With the app market maturing and being available on many different devices it is becoming a driving force for innovation and is changing the way the world works.
3) Social media:
While many will argue that social media is destroying communication and becoming irrelevant, Web 2.0 is alive and kicking. As websites become more social-centric and the entertainment industry embraces the web we will see mainstream gadgets such as TVs and DVDs incorporate more and more social aspects in their software.
Social media is impacting all manner of technologies ranging from search engines to smart phones and is changing everyday life in many ways. Modern corporations have to understand how important the social aspects of advertising and marketing are and adapt to a modern world where friends and peers will have a huge impact on the advertising we see.
4) Convergence:
With modern innovation we continue to see major convergence in technology; the elements that define what a PC is, what a TV does and what a cell phone can do are merging on every device. The modern TV connects to the internet providing a true multi-media experience to the user; the modern computer is part smart phone, part PC and part Tablet and soon will be one device rather than three distinct devices.
As this trend continues intelligent devices will control every aspect of technology at home and in the office.
5) Video game consoles:
2013 looks like it may be one of the most exciting years for video gamers. While Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony look to make their consoles entertainment centers that will change our living rooms several competitors are embracing the web, the Android operating system and creating cheap alternatives that will challenge the traditional console makers.
With the increasing number of casual gamers using simple games on their smart phones, these competitors are attracting major software houses and bringing choice and value to a market that was becoming more of an elite one.
Technology has become an essential part of everyday life but potentially the innovation is too fast and the consequences of fully relying on technology hasn't been researched. As every aspect of life is touched by technology it is important that the underlying back-bone is not damaged so that a massive failure of the system doesn't occur.
2013 is going to be an amazing year for technology with top companies competing to produce the best hardware and software to make life easier. So far the IT trends of 2013 look very exciting.
Darryl is an owner-partner at North Star, Inc. for Denver IT Consulting and Support, specializing in providing quality and reliable IT support for Denver and the surrounding areas of Colorado, and have been doing so since 1992.
North Star offers a complete IT department ideally suited for full outsourcing of your IT needs or for specific projects you need to implement in your business.
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